Transport in a class of its own
Our fleet
how we can help
Our fleet consists mainly of DAF and Scania trucks, all of which are emission standard EURO 6.
With our own workshop and close collaboration with professional workshops, we seek to ensure that the condition of our cars is always top notch.
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We Make Animal Transport Easy!
The trucks (the front part of our semi-trucks) are bought in Denmark – new – , and the fleet is nowadays mostly composed of Scania, and DAF. However, the trailers are ordered separately in Germany ; where Breeders has a few professional suppliers. The trailers are indeed very specific, as they are called SPF – which stands for Specific Pathogen Free. We call them “closed trailers”, and by extension, we call our trucks “closed SPF trucks”.
The trailers work with overpressure inside ; the air is sucked in and filtered through air-filters and UV-C light, which very effectively target and neutralize the molecular structure of the pathogens’ DNA.
In other words, viruses and bacteria are either trapped or destroyed.
In order to make all the sanitizing system function properly (plus the hydraulics for the 3 decks inside, and the lift in the back…), the trailer has its own engine and fuel tank, independent from the truck. And that’s how our modern trailers guarantee the high health status of our breeding pigs ; as they are also approved by the Danish Authority SPF-SUS.
Not only do we secure the animals this way ; we also fit our new trucks with extra GPS and measuring instruments. For an optimal security, we know where the trucks are located at every instant, and we can track the evolution of temperatures throughout the whole trip.
Anyhow, our brand-new semi-truck just received some Breeders and Danish Genetics partner logos ; it is ready to go, and that makes it the 18th closed truck in our proud fleet.

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Our Fleet
About our drivers
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Alle vore chauffører er dygtige og engagerede chauffører, der har gennemgået kurser i SPF sundhed og i teknikken på vore biler. Dermed sikrer vi os at chaufførerne har de bedste forudsætninger for at transportere levende dyr.